Prep Your AC for Warm Weather With Seasonal Maintenance

March 17th, 2025

As warm weather approaches, now is the time to prepare your air conditioning system for the high-demand summer months. Seasonal maintenance ensures that your AC operates efficiently, preventing unexpected breakdowns and costly repairs. 

Keep reading to learn key maintenance steps that will help you get your AC in peak condition before the heat sets in later during the summer. Then give us a call to get on the schedule for professional service when you’re ready. 

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Prep Your Home Comfort for Spring – Upgrade Your Home Comfort This Spring

March 3rd, 2025

Don’t wait until the summer heat is in full swing – now is the perfect time to invest in a new HVAC system. By upgrading early in the season before things heat up, you can ensure reliable home comfort before temperatures start to rise. 

Keep reading to discover why an early-season upgrade is the best choice for your air conditioner. Then give us a call to get started on your repairs, maintenance or a new system installation. We can help you pick out the perfect system – whether it’s a traditional AC, heat pump, or ductless unit. 

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Call Sierra Pacific Home & Comfort, Inc. for All of Your Home Heating Needs

February 17th, 2025

We are here to help with all of your HVAC problems, both big and small. Whether you have a furnace, heat pump, or dual fuel system, call us for any of your home heating needs. We are here to help get down to the root cause of any HVAC repair and fix it. Right now, we are offering $50 off any repair! Once spring and summer arrive, we will be much busier with service appointments. When you act now, you can get on your calendar for a service appointment that will ensure your heater is in excellent condition before you turn it off for the spring or that your air conditioner is ready to keep up with cooling your home through the summer.

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Solar Pool Heating – Learn How a Solar Heating System Enhances Your Pool Experience!

February 3rd, 2025

Having a pool heater installed increases the time you can spend in your pool each year. Seasons that are a bit chilly can become perfect for enjoying time in your backyard. But you don’t want just any pool heater—you want to invest in a solar pool heater.

Not only can this boost the effectiveness of your pool heating, but it can also save you money on energy costs for maintaining a warmer water temperature than you would otherwise have. Keep reading to learn everything you need to know about solar pool heating in Sacramento and invest in a better pool experience today.

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Keep Your System Running Safely and Efficiently With Furnace Maintenance

January 20th, 2025

Have you scheduled furnace maintenance in the past year? If not, you want to schedule the service before the end of the winter season, and the sooner the better. Don’t delay scheduling this important appointment for your furnace or you may be left in the cold.

Keep reading to learn everything you need to know about furnace maintenance, both the steps that you can take on your own as a homeowner and the professional care that our team can offer. Then give our team a call when you’re ready to schedule your professional maintenance appointment for this season.

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Refrigerant Updates in 2025: What You Need to Know

January 6th, 2025

As we welcome 2025, there are significant HVAC industry changes that we have to plan for – specifically when it comes to refrigerants. System changes coming down from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) stem from global efforts being made to make positive steps in climate change. 

As a homeowner, there’s nothing special you need to do. Yet you will need to replace your home’s cooling system someday, and if that is the case you can keep reading to learn more about refrigerant changes for HVAC systems being installed in 2025. If you have questions or want to know more, you can give our team a call and we are happy to help. 

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Celebrate 40 Years with SPHC

December 16th, 2024

Thank you for 40 amazing years in business, and we hope that you will celebrate with special offers this month for the occasion. We are offering a free whole-home plumbing or electrical inspection! You can learn more here, and then give our team a call to schedule your appointment.

You can also keep reading to learn about why annual inspections of your home systems are so important in maximizing safety and efficiency. Thank you for supporting our business and helping us to be successful for the last four decades. We are looking forward to many more years of serving you.

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4 Common Furnace Repair Needs

December 2nd, 2024

There is a wide range of potential furnace problems. Some happen frequently while others are rare. It’s a good idea to know about the signs of the most common furnace repair needs so that you can call for service early when you suspect that something is going wrong.

Keep reading to learn about four of the top furnace repairs that we make and the signs of each one. Then give our team a call when you need furnace repair in Rocklin, CA. No matter how big or small a heater problem is, we can troubleshoot to fix it and prevent it from happening again in the future.

This is an image of a HVAC tech troubleshooting a furnace. The headline reads; Don't ignore these common furnace repair needs.

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3 Signs You Need to Schedule Heating Repair

November 18th, 2024

Heater repairs are definitely not something you want to skip out on. Prioritizing heater repairs at the first sign that something is wrong goes a long way toward keeping your heater working at its best all season long.

In fact, prioritizing heater repair in Lincoln, CA is one of the best ways to ensure that you don’t have any unexpected surprises in the coming winter season. You can keep reading to learn about three of the most obvious signs that indicate your furnace needs some TLC.

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What’s the Best Type of Water Purification System?

November 4th, 2024

Is water quality a concern at your house? If so, you may be wondering what water treatment system is the best solution. There are a variety of options available, and we have one in mind that offers excellent results.

Keep reading to learn more about the benefits of a reverse osmosis water treatment system for your home. Then give our team a call to schedule a reverse osmosis installation in Roseville, CA. If you’re not quite ready to make the leap into an installation, we can visit your home instead and complete a water quality test and talk to you about how this unique type of system can help.

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