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3 AC Problems That Are Easy to Fix

All air conditioning problems should be considered serious, but some are easier to fix than others. In fact, some AC problems are easy enough that you can fix them on your own. Other times, you do need the help of a professional HVAC contractor even for seemingly small repair needs.

Our team is here to help with everything from repairs to maintenance and even AC replacement in Rocklin, CA. Just give us a call when you’re ready to schedule your service. In the meantime, keep reading to learn more about three air conditioning problems that are easy to fix, even if they seem concerning.

Poor Airflow

If you hold your hand up to an air vent somewhere around your home and think that the airflow is weak, this could be a problem with your air filter. If the air filter is too dirty, it can block air from getting into your AC unit. With less airflow coming in, there is less air available to push out into your home.

When you suspect problems with weak airflow, check your filter first. If it looks dirty, go ahead and change it out for a new filter and see if you notice an improvement. If so, great. Set a reminder for when you need to change your air filter again, so you don’t forget. 

If this doesn’t fix the problem, give our team a call and we can do some additional troubleshooting to figure out why there’s a lack of airflow coming out of the vents. It’s possible that your ductwork is to blame or that there is a blockage somewhere in the system. 

Difficulty Starting

If it seems like your air conditioner is struggling to start that for a cooling cycle, the capacitor may be to blame. This is a relatively small component that is located on the outdoor portion of your air conditioner. However, it provides a much needed power boost for your air conditioner to start up during cooling cycles. 

Without the capacitor, your air conditioner may lack the power needed for the initial start up. Although there may be tutorials online for changing out the capacitor yourself, we encourage you to give our team a call and let us take care of it for you. While we’re there, we can check for any other problems that may be contributing to problems with your air conditioner turning on.

Water Leaks

It can be alarming to notice water leaking out of your air conditioner, but usually the problem is actually a simple fix. The condensate drain line can easily get clogged and allow water to back up and spill out. Solving the problem is a simple as breaking down the clog in the line. Once we do that, you can follow up by rinsing out the drain line with vinegar each month to prevent clogs from coming back again.

Contact Sierra Pacific Home & Comfort, Inc. today to schedule your air conditioning services as soon as possible. You can always trust The Guys in the Big Red Trucks.

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