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How Often Should You Schedule an AC Tune-Up?

As a homeowner, you need to complete regular maintenance steps each month to care for your air conditioner. But you also need to invest in professional care in addition to the steps you are taking. You may be wondering how frequently you need to schedule a professional tune-up.

We typically recommend that you schedule maintenance annually and give us calls in between service appointments if you notice anything out of the ordinary. Keep reading to learn more about the importance of tune-ups for your air conditioner. Then give our team a call to schedule your AC tune-up in Folsom, CA.

Tips for Scheduling an AC Tune-Up

AC maintenance needs to be scheduled once each calendar year. As long as you prioritize making the maintenance appointment, the timing of it is less important. We have some homeowners who prefer to schedule their AC maintenance at the end of winter or the beginning of spring ahead of having their AC on for the warmer months. 

Other homeowners prefer to have their air conditioner serviced at the end of the summer season before turning it off for fall and winter. The preference is really yours. We do recommend selecting a general timeframe and then sticking to it year after year. Otherwise, you risk going an extended period of time without the service. 

For example, if you schedule it in February one year and then October or November the following year, that leaves about 20 months between service appointments and gives your AC more time to take on wear and tear between services. That’s not ideal.

Benefits of AC Maintenance

It is so easy to think that if your air conditioner is working great, AC maintenance isn’t really necessary. But regular maintenance offers so many benefits. For one, it helps you maintain your manufacturer’s warranty for as long as your air conditioner is covered. 

Most AC warranties are for 10 years, but they have a stipulation that you must schedule professional care annually to do your part in maintaining the unit. Aside from that warranty, regular maintenance also helps to boost energy efficiency, helps your unit to cool more effectively, and even potentially enjoy a longer lifespan than it otherwise would.

Risks of Skipping the Appointment

When you skip out on AC maintenance, you run the risk of spending even more money on repair bills. It’s easy to look at AC maintenance as an expense, but instead, we encourage you to look at it as an investment. 

The money that you’re spending will prevent more serious repairs and ultimately save you money over the life of the unit. When you consider that your AC can also enjoy a longer lifespan, you’re saving even more by extending the usability of that initial investment you made when you first installed the unit.

Contact Sierra Pacific Home & Comfort, Inc. today to schedule your AC tune-up in Folsom, CA as soon as possible. You can always trust The Guys in the Big Red Trucks.

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