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Tips to Help You Prepare for AC Installation


If you’re planning for a new AC installation, congratulations! Even though it’s a big project, it’s exciting to have a new HVAC unit that it is highly energy efficient with a long lifespan ahead of it. But how do you prepare for the day of installation?

You can keep reading to learn a few steps you can complete to get your home and family ready for the removal of your old unit and your new central air installation in Sacramento, CA. If you have any questions about the steps that you need to take ahead of time, just give our team a call and we can help. 

Clear the Way – Inside and Out

The first and most important step that you can complete for our team is clearing a way for us to work. This is something that we can talk to you about when we visit your home to discuss your installation in greater detail. Our team has to work inside of your home near the central indoor unit to remove all of the older components and prepare for installation. 

It helps us tremendously if you move any furniture or decorations that are near the area where we will be working. It’s also important to clear a path from your front door to the closet where your indoor unit is stored. And this helps us to work quickly and efficiently without having to move any of your belongings or work around furniture. 

It’s equally important to do the same for your outdoor unit. Clear a path around your house so that our team can get to the outdoor portion of your air conditioning unit. This may include moving yard decorations or furniture, and even things like water hoses.

Make Plans for Kids and Pets

It’s also a good idea to go ahead and make plans for your children and pets on the day of the installation. Safety is always a top priority for our team, but the bottom line is that an AC installation can be dangerous for children and pets. One option is to designate a room in your home where children and pets are safely away from the area where our team will be working.

You could also ask a friend or family member to keep your kids and pets for the day. This is probably the best option if it’s possible to make happen. We can complete the installation quicker without worrying about working around kids and pets. 

Clear Your Schedule

We encourage you to clear your schedule for the day of the AC installation. We would like for you to be available in case anything comes up during the installation that we need to change or address. This also gives us an opportunity to review your new system with you so you know how to work it and what to expect. We can also talk to you about monthly maintenance tips to help your unit maintain efficiency and have a long lifespan.

Contact Sierra Pacific Home & Comfort, Inc. today to schedule your central air installation in Sacramento, CA. You can always trust The Guys in the Big Red Trucks.

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