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Ways to Know When Your AC Needs Repairs

When air conditioners have problems, they exhibit some common signs. If you ignore these red flags, problems will worsen until your unit breaks down completely. But when you are able to call for services and get issues resolved sooner, you can prevent a breakdown completely and even eliminate long-term damage to your air conditioner.

Just give our team a call for AC Repair in Elk Grove, CA and we can help. You have also keep reading to learn more about some of the reasons that you should call for service sooner rather than later.

Unexpected Sounds

Sounds coming from your air conditioner can be unexpected for a couple of different reasons. First, they can be loud and alarming. This usually means that something significant is wrong with your AC. Any loud noises coming from your air conditioner point to one of the larger components malfunctioning. For example, a fan blade may be loose and scraping or a motor is banging because it is not functioning right.

Alternately, you may hear sounds that are typical for your air conditioner, although they are happening at the incorrect times or persistently. For example, it’s normal to hear a few clicks when your AC first cycles on, and again when it cycles off. But if clicking persists and it does not stop and after a few times, there’s a good chance that your unit is struggling with normal operation.

Changes in Output

If your air conditioner begins to struggle to keep your home cool, this can point to quieter problems. There don’t need to be any other obvious signs that something is wrong. A lack of ability to keep your home comfortable is problem enough. There may be something small inside of your air conditioner that is going wrong without making any unusual sounds.

It’s possible that there is a refrigerant leak preventing the air from being as cold as it needs to be to lower your indoor air temperature. Or maybe there’s a blockage somewhere in the system that is keeping enough airflow from getting out into your home, and as a result, cold air gets trapped inside the system.

System Age

Even without any obvious problems, the older that your air conditioner is, the more likely it is to need repairs. You can expect your air conditioner to last for around 10 to 15 years before it needs to be completely replaced. As the system ages, more things are likely to go wrong as parts are wearing down. 

Maintenance is always important, but even more so toward the end of an air conditioner’s lifespan, especially if you’re trying to get a little more life out of it before having to upgrade it completely. Be sure to schedule annual maintenance to stay ahead of unexpected repairs with an older air conditioner.

Contact Sierra Pacific Home & Comfort, Inc. today to schedule your AC repair services as soon as possible. You can always trust The Guys in the Big Red Trucks.

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