Sierra Pacific Home & Comfort, Inc. Blog: Archive for the ‘Air Conditioning’ Category

5 Great Ways to Boost Your AC Efficiency This Summer

Monday, June 17th, 2019

man-changing-out-air-filter-to-boost-ac-efficiencyFact #1: Summer is hot.

Fact #2: Running your air conditioner costs a lot. The truth is, your HVAC system can account for as much as 50% of all the electrical energy use in your home. You want to find ways to use it less expensively and more efficiently. The good news is, there’s a few ways you can do this!

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4 Steps to Saving More on Cooling Costs

Monday, June 3rd, 2019

air-conditionerEveryone should be able to run an air conditioner without it costing them a fortune. And sometimes that means installing a few upgrades or paying for some services that can significantly boost the air conditioner’s efficiency.

In this post, you won’t find any gimmicky or “quick” methods for improving efficiency—those rarely work. Instead, we’ll tell you which AC services in Sacramento, CA can make a serious difference in your monthly cooling costs:

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Can Outdoor Temperatures Affect Your HVAC System?

Monday, May 20th, 2019


Air conditioners are designed to perform at their highest efficiency even during the hottest summers—given that they’re properly maintained, that is. If not, it would be like if you were forced to go run a marathon while recovering from an injury!

If your air conditioner is suffering from a repair issue or hasn’t had maintenance in years, it could very well suffer performance issues from intense heat.

However, there are other times when the weather can affect the system, in both summer and in winter. Here are a few examples:

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Starting Up Your AC Again? Watch for These Signs

Monday, April 22nd, 2019

air-filter-changeYou can’t let a car sit in the garage for six months, start it back up again, and expect it to run without an issue.

It’s the same with your air conditioner. Every year we shut them off as fall rolls in, and we don’t even think about them again until we start getting into spring.

When you do start running that AC again, we highly suggest getting a maintenance tune up before summer starts. The last thing you want is for your AC to break down during the hottest part of the year.

Before summer comes, however, you’ll have some time to monitor the performance of your AC and to see if it needs any urgent service. Here are some of the things you can watch out for:

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Ductless or Not Ductless, That Is the Question

Monday, September 24th, 2018

ductless-heating-systemsIn the world of air conditioning, there are two major categories of air conditioners:

Those with a duct system, and those without.

The ducts are the series of tunnels and vents that blow air into your home. Some systems have them, and some don’t.

When it comes to installing a new HVAC system, it’s not really about choosing which one you like more, or which one has the best features. More than anything, it’s all about which system is going to work well for your home. This could vary for a number of reasons, like if you already have some kind of heating or cooling system. It’s a lot to cover, so read on to learn all about them.

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Don’t Wait to Have These AC Problems Fixed

Monday, August 13th, 2018

hvac-technician-making-ac-repairsWe highly recommend that any AC problem you have gets fixed immediately. We can list every reason from that it’ll cost you more money, to reducing the lifespan of your system, to the simple fact it won’t be able to cool your home anymore! At the same time, we understand you might find it hard to believe that every problem is an AC emergency.

For that reason, we’re compiling a list of a few problems that really, truly should be absolutely looked at (immediately!).

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Which Type of Cooling Is Right for You?

Monday, July 30th, 2018

outdoor-air-conditioning-unitsIf you’re reading this post, you may have just learned that there are different types of air conditioning available to you. And we aren’t just referring to different brands. Depending on your needs and the configuration of your current heating or cooling systems (if any), there are different options available for you. We’ll go over three cooling methods that can benefit anyone thinking of replacing or installing a new system.

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How to Stay Out of AC Trouble

Monday, July 16th, 2018

question-markWhen it comes to AC trouble, there are two kinds:

  1. The problem that comes about from not having proper maintenance performed on a regular basis.
  2. The kind that happens out of nowhere, for seemingly no reason, and at the worst possible time.

We wouldn’t want you to bring on either kind of trouble any sooner than necessary. Luckily, there are a few things you can do (or not do) to help. We’ve listed a few ways you can prevent from having to call for air conditioning repair in Rocklin, CA.

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3 Ways to Upgrade Your HVAC System

Wednesday, July 4th, 2018

couple-relaxing-on-couchSo you’re the proud owner of an HVAC system. What comes next?

Efficiency and performance.

It’s not enough to just own an HVAC system. The next step is strategizing to get the most out of your system with the least amount of dollars. Sometimes, an HVAC upgrade can be the best investment in pushing your HVAC system’s performance that extra mile.

In this post, we’ll go over three ways to strengthen your HVAC system.

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3 Reasons to Replace Your AC Now

Monday, June 18th, 2018

new-air-conditioning-systemAs a homeowner, thinking that you need to replace your AC now, on top of everything else on your to-do list, is about as enjoyable as considering a root canal. It’s likely something you hadn’t planned on doing, and your wallet will take a serious hit. Then again, ignoring the warnings signs can also be costly and become even more expensive the longer you delay action. In the case of your AC, that’s why you want to know for sure when it’s time to install a new system. We’ll discuss three signs below indicating you need to replace your AC.  

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