Sierra Pacific Home & Comfort, Inc. Blog: Archive for the ‘Air Conditioning’ Category

How a Whole-House Fan Helps You

Monday, June 4th, 2018

relaxed-homeownerWhole-house fans used to be the main means for regulating the temperature within a household until modern air conditioning systems came into the picture. Yet, they are still used to complement AC systems for a number of reasons. At Sierra Pacific Home & Comfort, Inc., we specialize in installing whole-house fans, which circulate air by creating specific pressure points throughout your house. In particular, whole-house fans draw in cooler air from outside and vent warmer air out through the attic or roof.

In this post, we discuss four ways a whole-house fan helps you, emphasizing how homeowners can benefit from getting these fans installed.

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How to Tell If You Need Air Conditioning Repair

Monday, May 21st, 2018

overheated-homeownerYour home’s central air conditioning unit is one of the most important features when it comes to your comfort and quality of life. It’s also one of the most specialized—while a homeowner can take on things like minor plumbing, electrical, or carpentry work with confidence, not many homeowners have the specialized knowledge and training required to service or maintain an HVAC system.

Just like your car or many other systems, your air conditioner needs regular maintenance to keep working properly, and it’s a lot easier (and cheaper) to address any problem when it’s at Stage 1 rather than waiting until Stage 4 or 5. Even the best air conditioning unit has a life cycle of about 10 to 15 years, but you can get the most out of that unit with regular maintenance.

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What to Look for in an HVAC Contractor: Part 2

Monday, May 7th, 2018

air-conditioning-replacementHVAC contractors can be a lifesaver during the heat of summer, when temperatures soar and you need your air conditioner to function reliably for days on end in some cases. A quality repair service needs to do the job swiftly and effectively, as well as providing timely maintenance services and even full-bore replacement if you need it.

Every home is different, and your HVAC system likely has unique needs that require specific services to address. What works for your home may not work for another, and so too does your HVAC contractor need to do the job for you specifically. That said, there are several basic traits that you should look for in any quality service. If you spot them, chances are you’re looking at someone who can address your HVAC needs the right way.

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What to Look for in an HVAC Contractor: Part 1

Tuesday, May 1st, 2018

air-conditioning-replacementAn HVAC contractor performs one of the most important jobs for a new building: installing the heating and air conditioning system. Every building needs one–a comfortable atmosphere protected from the variation in temperature outside is as much a necessity as the plumbing or electricity. But the question of what to look for in an HVAC contractor can be more difficult.

In the end, only you can determine which contracting service will work best for you. But there certain factors you should look for when making that decision. They can ensure that the service you contact will do the job the right way and ensure your HVAC system is set up in exactly the manner you require.

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HVAC Contractors Can Install Upgrades to Your System

Monday, April 9th, 2018

air-conditioning-replacementAnother long hot summer is on its way, and your air conditioner is going to be called upon to perform day in and day out. That can put a huge strain on the system. As well as costing you an arm and a leg in high bills, our summer heat can lead to a an AC breakdown or similar problem, in some cases leaving your home without cool air in the middle of triple-digit temperatures.

Anything you can do to reduce the stress and strain on your system can be an immense help, lowering bills and reducing the risk of a midsummer’s breakdown. And now is the perfect time to consider your options on that front: when the weather is still relatively cool and you have the time to install an upgrade or similar features to your system.

When you do, you want to make sure you use a qualified HVAC contractor in Sacramento, CA with experience performing installations of all kinds to heating and air conditioning systems. For insight on when to upgrade, read about how to tell if it’s time for an HVAC upgrade. A skilled contractor can guide you through your options and install upgrades with care and precision. That means they can advise you on all your possible options, as well as performing the upgrade with confidence and care.

What kinds of upgrades are available? Here’s a brief list to give you some idea.

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Ductless Air Conditioning Repairs Benefit from the Right Service

Monday, April 2nd, 2018

ductless-heating-systemsDuctless air conditioners make an outstanding solution for homes that can’t support the ducts required for traditional centralized air conditioning. Instead of using one single unit to cool your home, they utilize multiple units, placed evenly throughout the household and each charged with cooling a single room or section of your house.

That involves a lot of good things for your home: comprehensive air conditioning without relying on ducts, as well as the ability to control the temperature in different sections independently of each other (and turn off the cool air in some parts of the home while still running it in others). If you’re considering the switch to ductless, check out 3 immediate benefits of choosing a ductless air conditioning system for a deeper understanding of its advantages. But repair issues do occur with ductless systems, just as they do with any other electronic device, and when they do, you should make sure you contact someone with a specialty in ductless air conditioning service. Why? Read on for the answers.

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Refrigerant Leaks Mean You Need Air Conditioning Repair

Monday, March 12th, 2018

air-conditioning-replacementIt’s officially still winter, but even now, temperatures are starting to climb. Soon enough, you’ll have need of your air conditioner on a daily basis, and if yours features any sign of trouble, now is the time to get it dealt with. It will save you time, and often a fair amount of money too.

Among the most common problems with air conditioning systems is a refrigerant leak, which robs the system of one of its most vital components. Refrigerant is potentially very dangerous and requires a professional service technician to deal with, but if you spot the signs of low refrigerant, you can call for repairs and potentially save yourself a lot of grief.

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Schedule AC Maintenance Today

Tuesday, March 6th, 2018

air-conditioning-maintenanceSpring will be here in just a few short weeks, and warm weather can arrive even sooner than that in some cases. You might not be using your air conditioner often right now, but that will change soon, and before you know it, you’ll be running your system on a daily basis. That makes now the perfect time to schedule regular maintenance and get your system looked at: before it needs to keep your home cool in the face of our stifling summer heat.

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Have You Considered a 2-Stage Cooling System?

Monday, February 26th, 2018

2-stage-coolingMost of us aren’t thinking about our air conditioners right now. Winters in Central California can be surprisingly chilly and heating is the name of the game when it comes to home comfort. But summer will be here before you know it, and when it arrives, you’re going to need a reliable air conditioner to see you through it. If your existing air conditioner is on its last legs, now is the ideal time to consider a replacement, and with a new air conditioner comes a host of new options for you to consider.

Among them is the possibility of a 2-stage cooling system, which allows you to alter the speed of the fan blowing conditioned air into the home. The system makes a lot of sense with temperatures like ours, which can be all over the map. It could end up saving you a great deal of money.

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Signs You Need a New Air Conditioner

Monday, September 11th, 2017

air-conditioning-replacementWith the end of summer comes cooler temperatures, and while we likely have a few more weeks of hot weather yet, your air conditioner has more or less come to the end of another season. Now makes an excellent time to take stock of your air conditioner and see if it can handle another hot summer, or if the time has come to finally replace it. That gives you the whole winter to schedule installation for a new system, if you decide that’s how you want to proceed. But is your air conditioner really ready for replacement? Only you can make that decision, but there are a few key factors that you should seriously consider.

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