Sierra Pacific Home & Comfort, Inc. Blog: Archive for the ‘Heating’ Category

Common Furnace Myths to Be Aware Of

Monday, January 24th, 2022

Did you know there are actually quite a few misconceptions out there regarding HVAC use that could be hurting your home’s efficiency? This means you might actually be paying more for your heating needs and your cooling needs than necessary.

Read on as we uncover some of these misconceptions, or myths, to help you better understand what contributes to the efficiency of your home comfort systems.

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Is Your Furnace Working as Efficiently as Possible?

Monday, January 10th, 2022

Winter is officially upon us, and while we may not experience as bitterly cold of temperatures compared to our friends or family in the midwest and northeast, we still need our furnaces on a pretty regular basis.

Of course, running our heaters all season long doesn’t always seem like the most affordable choice, even though we know we deserve comfort, right? For tips on improving efficiency, check out our guide on how to tell if your furnace is working efficiently. With a few simple adjustments, you can stay cozy without worrying about skyrocketing energy bills.

Well, what if we told you there was a way to increase your comfort, decrease your utility bills, and never sacrifice your heater use? There are a few ways, actually! Read on to learn how you can boost furnace efficiency to stay comfy all winter long while reducing your energy bills.

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Can a Dirty Air Filter Damage Your Heater?

Monday, December 27th, 2021

Neglecting to replace or clean your air filter every 1 to 3 months will create problems. While it won’t directly damage your heater, there are absolutely consequences to not changing the air filter on this routine basis, which we’ll cover below.

We are happy to help when customers call us for heating repair in Roseville, CA. But we are happier if we can help our customers prevent a need for a repair call. Consider this your reminder to take action if you are overdue on cleaning or replacing your air filter, and read on!

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What Happens During Your Heater Tune-Up?

Monday, November 15th, 2021

When you invest in an important service for your heating system, it shouldn’t be a mystery what those professionals are doing to your heater. Now, we don’t recommend that you attempt heating maintenance on your own. There’s a reason we recommend only professionals serve your heating system: we have the experience, extensive training, and qualifications to know how to service your heater effectively and safely.

But we want you to feel comfortable investing in something like annual maintenance for your heater. Read on as we uncover what exactly happens during your tune-up, and if you haven’t had a heater tune-up yet this fall, please give us a call!

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Is Something Amiss with Your Heater?

Monday, November 1st, 2021

As the weather slowly but surely cools off, we’ll all be using our heating systems more and more. This should increase your comfort, of course, but what if you discover that you’re not as comfortable as you used to be when you use your heater? What if you’re using it the same way you did last year, but you’re still chilly or uncomfortable?

Well, then you have a right to be concerned. It sounds like something is wrong with the operation of your heating system, but what could it be? Read on as we uncover some indicators that something is wrong with your heater, what may be the cause, and what to do about it.

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Signs You Need Professional Heater Repair

Monday, October 18th, 2021

No homeowner should ever have to sit around wondering if their heater is going to break down at any moment. If you’ve had your heater regularly maintained each year, you won’t need to worry about this. However, it’s still important to know the signs of a heater in disrepair in case something crops up between maintenance sessions.

Oh wait, you don’t know the signs? That’s all right, that’s what we’re here for.

First off, again, we want to stress the importance of maintenance in preventing repair needs. In fact, timely annual maintenance can help you fend off about 85% of the repair needs your heater may ever need in its 10-15 year lifespan. This is even more vital for gas-powered heating systems. These units aren’t inherently dangerous but have unique problems that can come up if not properly cared for.

Without further ado, we share with you below some of the signs you can watch out for that indicate your heater is in disrepair.

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Is It Too Early for Heating System Maintenance?

Monday, September 6th, 2021

With temperatures in the 90s, you may wonder why on earth we’d be talking about heating maintenance already. But the truth is, the next couple months are the perfect time to have heating maintenance done, before you actually need the system the most.

Professional HVAC maintenance enables our technicians to thoroughly inspect your heating system. This is vital for many reasons. First off, we’re able to check for potential safety issues in addition to anything that may be causing performance and/or efficiency problems. We also clean the system extensively, and check for any symptoms of small repair needs from natural wear and tear before they grow into bigger emergencies.

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End-of-Season Furnace Needs Not to Ignore

Monday, February 22nd, 2021

We may have just talked about air conditioners in our last post, but that doesn’t mean you should ignore your heater in these final weeks of winter. Sure, we are definitely not experiencing the severe winter conditions that other parts of the country have in recent days. But no matter how long or how frequently you need your heater, you need it to be in good shape when it operates! So, what kind of shape is yours in?

If you don’t know the answer to this question, then this blog post is definitely for you. Hopefully, you had professional maintenance done this past fall. That will ensure that your system works as efficiently and effectively as it’s meant to. Even if you did not, however, it’s not too late! Scheduling maintenance now will allow our technicians to check for the repair needs we’re about to mention.

If you aren’t sure of how to tell if your heater needs repair as we near the end of the season, read on! We’ve uncovered some of the top indicators.

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Signs You Need a Heater Upgrade

Monday, December 28th, 2020

Temperatures can be pretty unpredictable in our area, and some years we may not even need our heaters for more than a few weeks. So, it makes sense that you don’t want to spend a lot on that heater. The best way to ensure you’re not spending too much month-to-month is to invest in annual maintenance. If you haven’t done so already this year, now is the perfect time.

But even with maintenance, there will come a day when your system will need to be replaced. Even the most well-cared-for heater can only last about 10–15 years before it stops working as efficiently and effectively as it used to. But how do you know for sure when your system is in need of an upgrade? Read on to find out!

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Are You Heating Your Home Efficiently?

Monday, November 30th, 2020

What if you had the ability to increase the comfort of your home and lower your heating bill all at once? Would you jump at the opportunity? Well, you are in luck, because you do have that ability! There are actually some easy steps you can take to not only boost your heater’s efficiency throughout the remainder of fall and through winter but increase comfort too.

While it may not get as bitterly cold here as it does in other parts of the country, we understand the unique needs of Sacramento area residents, and we know that you want a powerful furnace that works when you need it. But you should be able to do that affordably! Read on to learn how you can accomplish this.

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