Sierra Pacific Home & Comfort, Inc. Blog: Archive for the ‘Heating’ Category

Get to Know Your Furnace

Monday, November 19th, 2018

complex-innerworkings-of-furnaceFurnaces are what’s known as a forced-air heating system. While they’re not that complicated conceptually, their internal parts certainly can be. Today, we’ll introduce you to just a few of the components that help you get warm air from your furnace.

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Some Common Reasons for Heating Issues

Monday, October 22nd, 2018

cold-man-inspects-thermostatNovember is the month when we can finally expect to see some cooler weather here in California (it is just a forecast, but we have hope). And when that time does come, you can expect to be recruiting your heater for full-time work.

But that begs the question: is your heater ready? If you’re already running your heater at night, then now’s the perfect time to start paying attention to its behavior. It’s also the perfect time to get a maintenance check if you haven’t already. But if you notice any of the following signs, then you’ll want to call in for repairs sooner than later.

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How Solar Pool Heaters Improve Your Swimming Pool

Tuesday, February 6th, 2018

solar-pool-heaterMany homes in the area enjoy the benefits of a swimming pool: allowing owners to throw summer parties, have fun with their families, or enjoy a private swim at the beginning or end of their day. But swimming pools usually require heaters to ensure that the water temperature is warm enough for people to enjoy. In those cases, we strongly recommend installing solar pool heaters to improve your swimming pool’s use. A trained expert can easily set up a system for your home, and the benefits such systems provide can be considerable. They include the following:

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Help Your Heating System Perform Efficiently

Tuesday, January 9th, 2018

heating-cost-savingsWinter has finally arrived, and while we’re not dealing with cold weather the way the East Coast has, we get our share of cool days and chilly nights. You’ll need to run your heating system more often almost by default in the wintertime, and that means you’ll be paying more on your monthly heating bills than you would during other points of the year. But just because you’re paying more doesn’t mean you should pay more than necessary. You can help your heating system perform more effectively, and cut into those costs in the bargain. Here are a few tips on the best ways how.

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Signs You Need Heating Repair

Monday, December 18th, 2017

heating-repair-serviceCalifornia winters are never as cold as they are further east, but here in the Central Valley, we get our share of freezing cold nights and early morning frosts. You need a reliable heating system not only to keep your home comfortable, but to prevent potential health issues for those nights when the mercury drops well below tolerable levels. And if your heater needs repair, now is the time to properly take care of it.

That means moving swiftly when signs of trouble arise with your heating system. In many cases, a serious problem displays symptoms weeks or even months in advance, and while you should never try to diagnose (much less repair), a heater without proper training and licensing, you can still spot those signs simply by watching your heater as it runs and looking for anything out of the ordinary. If you’re unsure, check out how to tell if your furnace is working efficiently to identify early performance issues. Chances are that you have already run your system this fall. The next time you turn it on, look for the following common signs that something is wrong.

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How Does Solar Electricity Save You Money?

Tuesday, December 12th, 2017

solar-energy-electricityWe live in sunny California, and even when it rains in the winter, we can expect a lot of sunshine no matter what the time of year. Solar technology has been available for a long time, but it keeps getting more efficient and easier to set up. For the right property, investing in solar panels can end up saving you a great deal of money. How? Read on for the answers.

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How to Cut Down on High Heating Costs this Winter

Monday, December 4th, 2017


Our winters are never as bad here as they are in other parts of the country, but we still get chilly nights, and regular frosts are not unheard of. A good heating system can be your best friend during the coldest parts of the year and can help your family stay healthy as well as comfortable when the temperatures really drop.

We’re used to paying more for our monthly heating bills in the winter, and in some ways, there’s no getting around that. Increased use means increased cost, period. However, just because you’re paying more to use your heater doesn’t mean you should pay more than necessary, and those higher bills don’t always have to be as high as they can sometimes get.

There are a number of ways to reduce the costs of running your heater in the winter. Some of them are very easy to implement, and you might be using them already. For example, setting the thermostat a few degrees cooler than you might normally can shave precious dollars off of those monthly bills, and dressing warmly inside can keep you comfortable without having to waste money running the furnace. But if you’re looking to do more than that, there are a number of options you should consider.

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Test-Run Your Furnace Before the Winter

Monday, November 20th, 2017

rest-run-heating-systemWinter, and the first real cold snap, is still not yet upon us but it’s usually a good idea to start up and run your furnace or heater this time of year. Whether you’ve just purchased your furnace or are hoping to coax one last season out of an older one, a test run is always a good idea in these relatively mild weeks before winter begins in earnest.

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Check Your Heater with Timely Maintenance

Monday, November 13th, 2017

heating-maintenance-fallThe weather is getting colder by the day, and if you aren’t running your heating system on a regular basis already, you soon will be. Imagine the trouble you’ll have if you turn on your furnace in the middle of a cold front and have it fail to turn on or demonstrate some other kind of problem. A timely repair service can get the problem dealt with, but far better than fixing problem is preventing it in the first place.

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3 Factors to Consider When Buying a New Heating System

Monday, October 23rd, 2017

heating-system-installationWe’ve enjoyed a long Indian summer these past few weeks, which can be a great boon for local homeowners looking to replace their heating system. The more planning and preparation you can do in anticipation of installing a new heater, the better off you’ll be. A good technician can help you with the specifics of your home and install the unit that is best suited to your needs, but it helps to understand the basic factors that you need to consider.

Every home is unique and therefore every heater needs to reflect the specific needs of the home it keeps warm. Determining those factors can go a long way towards ensuring that your new heater is exactly what you need it to me. Here are the three most important, along with a brief explanation.

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