Sierra Pacific Home & Comfort, Inc. Blog: Archive for the ‘Water Heaters’ Category

4 Signs that Something is Wrong with Your Water Heater

Monday, October 28th, 2024

It’s easy to ignore your water heater when it is largely out of sight and out of mind. But it is important to pay attention to signs that something is wrong so that you can address problems sooner rather than later. 

Keep reading to learn more about the ways that you can identify water heater problems early, and then give our team a call to schedule your appointment for water heater repair in Folsom, CA. Taking care of this important system in your home will pay off for years to come.

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Pros and Cons of a Tankless Water Heater

Monday, September 2nd, 2024

We get a lot of questions about switching over to a tankless water heater. Although tankless water heaters do offer a variety of great benefits, you want to make sure you understand how they work and what the maintenance requirements are before investing in one.

You can keep reading to learn more about tankless water heaters and what makes them so desirable. If you’re curious about the cost-effectiveness of this switch, explore how a new tankless water heater saves you money We’re also highlighting some things you want to consider before switching from a traditional tank water heater over to a tankless model. If you still have questions after reading more, you can give our team a call for an in-home assessment for a tankless water heater in Sacramento, CA.

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Heat Pump Water Heaters Vs Tankless

Monday, May 1st, 2023

You have two main choices as a homeowner when it comes to your water heater: a heat pump water heater or a tankless one. They’re both great choices, but are they really equal? Do the pros and cons weigh in fair balance, or does your specific usage case gravitate to one more than the other? That’s what we’re here to find out.

Heat pump water heaters in Sacramento, CA need to be installed by a professional plumber, so once you’re ready to make your choice between that or a tankless unit, we’re here to help you get the whole process started.

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Do You Need to Flush Your Tankless Water Heater?

Monday, April 17th, 2023

Your tankless water heater is an amazing bit of plumbing technology, and it’s now the preferred way to heat water in your home. But it’s not without its faults. Unlike tank-style water heaters, they don’t store hot water, so you might think “That means I don’t have to flush them out.”

Unfortunately, you’d be wrong. Tankless water heaters in Sacramento, CA still need to be flushed out to prevent scale buildup and other problems from occurring. Let’s talk about when and why you should get them flushed.

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How a New Tankless Water Heater Saves You Money

Monday, November 21st, 2022
Tankless water heater system installed on wall.

Everyone likes saving money, and lowering their carbon footprint at the same time never hurts. Tankless water heaters save money, frustration, and expenses that you might not have thought about.

It’s time to learn why tankless water heater installation in Sacramento, CA could save you stress and money moving forward. If you’re about to ditch your old tank water heater for an upgrade, this is what you need to know.

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Yes, Your Tankless Water Heater Needs Maintenance … Here’s Why!

Monday, October 4th, 2021

You purchased a tankless water heater for its efficiency. It helps lower your heating bills because it only heats the water at the time it is needed. On-demand hot water means no one has to experience the outrage of a cold shower because three other family members showered before you. 

On-demand heating means a tankless water heater does not work as hard as a large tank heater. They have a longer lifespan. They are a lower maintenance option. This does not mean tankless water heaters are maintenance-free.

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Should You Invest in a Tankless Water Heater?

Monday, September 21st, 2020

tankless-water-heaterHow often do you think about your water heater? If you’re like most homeowners, the answer is probably, “not very much.” While you’re not alone, it’s not a good idea to wait until something goes wrong with this system to start thinking about it. And when something does go wrong with it, you’ll be left to decide if it’s worth repairing or if you should invest in a replacement.

A general rule of thumb on that matter is that a water heater in disrepair should be upgraded when it’s reached about 15–20 years, or if it’s showing signs of corrosion.

That leads you to an important question: what should you replace that water heater with? Sure, it’s easy to just buy another standard storage tank water heater, but that’s not your only option. Have you ever considered going tankless? Read on as we talk about the pros and cons of both.

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Does Your Water Heater Need Maintenance?

Monday, August 10th, 2020

water-heater-with-rustIf there is any home comfort appliance in your home that goes underappreciated, it’s probably the water heater.

Think about it, you use your water heater every day, but do you ever consider your gratitude for this system? Not to worry—most homeowners don’t. But let’s face it, they’re pretty important. And they really cannot continue to effectively and safely do their job without the proper care. Yes, this includes scheduling annual maintenance. But why?

Two reasons: scaling, and the anode rod! Read on to learn more.

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Why You Should Consider Solar Water Heating

Monday, August 12th, 2019

solar-panels-on-roofWhen it comes to systems we often take for granted in our homes, the water heater makes it to the top of the list. These systems, even the tank models, are often out of sight—tucked away in a storage closet or in a corner of the garage—and often out of mind as well. The fact is, however, they’re a necessary component of everyday modern living.

You need your water heater for cooking, bathing, and cleaning in your home. When something goes wrong with that water heater, you need repairs fast. And in order to get the most energy efficiency out of your water heater, you should consider going solar!

“Wait, what’s that last part …” you ask?

Read on!

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Try Starting With a Solar Water Heater

Monday, April 8th, 2019

solar-water-heaterWe understand that making the switch from your current electrical system to a solar energy system is a big leap for some homeowners. Going from what’s familiar to having giant solar panels on your roof overnight is a big change!

And we also know that a lot of people would feel better if they could make baby steps toward solar energy. Lucky for them, they can do just that by starting with their water heater. Keep reading and we’ll explain:

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