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Does Your Home Need a Whole-House Generator?

Unexpected power outages can happen at any time of the year. You can be left without power for hours, days, or even weeks if a catastrophe is bad enough. But you don’t have to face many of the inconveniences of a power outage when you have a whole-house generator in place ahead of time.

Give our team a call today to schedule your in-home assessment for a Generac installation in Roseville, CA. In the meantime, you can keep reading to learn more about some of the basic things you need to know about a whole-house generator and why it’s the right solution for your home.

Potential for Power Outages

We understand the temptation to be optimistic and think that a power outage isn’t going to happen to you. And if it does, is it really that big of a deal? But you never know when a power outage will be significant enough to disrupt your life. 

In fact, the USDA recommends that you throw out any food from your fridge if the power is out for four hours or longer. Four hours isn’t a particularly long time, but it could cost hundreds of dollars in groceries, plus the time to clean out your fridge and go shopping again to replace all of your food.

Having a backup generator means that the system detects a power outage and turns on automatically to provide power for your home. You won’t lose power to your refrigerator or other appliances, including your air conditioner. This can help you stay comfortable at home and maintain a sense of normalcy, even if other areas of your life are affected by the power outage.

Whole-House Generator Vs. Portable Model

You may be thinking that you can save some money by getting a portable unit instead of a whole-house generator. The portable units do not kick on automatically. Plus, you have to maintain a supply of gas to refill the portable generator so it can maintain power.

Even then, a portable generator can only power so many things in your home. You may have to pick and choose what you plug into your portable generator. This isn’t a problem like to think about with a whole-house generator since it will turn on automatically and power everything in your home. Even if you’re away when a power outage happens, you can rest assured that your generator kicked into action and powered on.

How Long Does a Generator Last?

If you do invest in a Generac generator, you can expect it to last for around 20 years. Keep in mind that you do have to schedule annual professional maintenance for your generator just to check it over and make sure everything is operating the way it should in the case of a power outage. Either way, installing a whole-house generator is a long-term investment that can easily pay off over the course of 20 years.

Contact Sierra Pacific Home & Comfort, Inc. today to schedule your generator services as soon as possible. You can always trust The Guys in the Big Red Trucks.

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