There is a wide range of potential furnace problems. Some happen frequently while others are rare. It’s a good idea to know about the signs of the most common furnace repair needs so that you can call for service early when you suspect that something is going wrong.
Keep reading to learn about four of the top furnace repairs that we make and the signs of each one. Then give our team a call when you need furnace repair in Rocklin, CA. No matter how big or small a heater problem is, we can troubleshoot to fix it and prevent it from happening again in the future.

Faulty Startup Mechanism
Your furnace has an extra component called the capacitor that helps kickstart the heating cycle. This extra power boost is necessary to prevent your furnace from overloading your electrical system. Over the course of the heating cycle, the capacitor absorbs energy to aid in starting the next heating cycle.
This is because your furnace needs a little bit of an extra boost before the power can level out to something manageable. If the starter is faulty, your furnace may not turn on at all. Our team can either repair or replace the starter to get your furnace working the way it should again.
Broken Blower Motor
Other times, your furnace may turn on just fine, but it struggles to blow the heat that is created through the system and out into your home. If the blower motor is either broken or malfunctioning, heat will stay trapped inside your furnace, increasing the temperature to dangerous levels. Your furnace may shut off after a couple of minutes thanks to a safety mechanism.
Once we fix the blower motor, your furnace should operate again like normal to heat up air and blow it out into your home. Many times it is the bearings that are to blame when there are blower motor problems. They may need to be cleaned out and lubricated or completely replaced if they’ve worn down too much and are no longer functional.
Grime and Buildup
And the bearings and the blower motor are not the only places that can get dirty. Dirt can get into your furnace and down into the tiniest crevices. This is particularly concerning where intricate gears have to work together. The dirt can stick to lubricant and create a grime that leads to harsh grinding sounds during operation.
Grime can also negatively impact either the heating element or the pilot light that creates heat for your furnace. It’s a good idea to wipe out the interior cabinet of your furnace once each month. Then our team can offer a more detailed cleaning once each year when we visit your home for maintenance.
Thermostat Issues
Sometimes a malfunctioning furnace is actually a malfunctioning thermostat. When you set the temperature on your thermostat, it signals to your furnace when the heating cycle should begin and end based on the indoor air temperature.
If your thermostat is not calibrated correctly, it can read the indoor air temperature wrong, resulting in unusual heating cycles. Alternately it may simply struggle to communicate with your furnace at all. Our team can check out your thermostat to see what is going on and then recalibrate and clean it out to make sure it is working the way it should with your furnace.
Contact Sierra Pacific Home & Comfort, Inc. today to schedule your furnace repair services as soon as possible. You can always trust The Guys in the Big Red Trucks.