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4 Ways a Whole-House Fan Helps Your HVAC System

When you invest in a residential whole-house fan, you’re investing in better indoor air quality and energy efficiency. Having a whole-house fan can even help to extend the lifespan of your HVAC unit. Just give our team a call when you’re ready to schedule an in-home assessment for whole-house fan installation in Lincoln, CA.

In the meantime, you can keep reading to learn more about the ways that a whole-house fan can benefit your home, your family, and even your HVAC system. You’ll get some of your questions answered about these unique add-on systems and learn how they can make a positive difference at your house. 

Boost Indoor Air Quality

A whole-house fan brings in air from the outside. You’ll constantly have a steady stream of fresh air coming in, ultimately helping stale air to cycle out. It’s so easy for germs and allergens to get trapped inside your home and HVAC system, recirculating again and again. 

But with fresh air coming in, those harmful particles won’t be as plentiful. You and your family can breathe easier and may even be less likely to get sick since germs will constantly be cycling back out of your home due to the influx of fresh air.

Save Money

A whole-house fan doesn’t offer a way to specifically lower air temperature in the same way an air conditioner does. However, it can contribute to cooling in its own way by optimizing airflow. Your air conditioner won’t have to work as hard to lower the indoor air temperature, saving you money on your monthly energy costs.

Plus a whole-house fan is very energy efficient itself. Whole-house fans don’t require much energy for operation. Instead of seeing an increase in your energy bills because you added another item that consumes energy, you may see a decrease instead. 

Extend HVAC Lifespan

Aside from boosting energy efficiency, a whole-house fan can also take some of the strain off of your air conditioner. When your AC has less work to do, it won’t age as quickly. You may get extra life out of the unit simply by adding on another system that helps move airflow. 

Lessen Environmental Impact

If your carbon footprint is important to you, a whole-house fan can also help there. The fan itself doesn’t consume much electricity, plus it can lower the amount of electricity consumed by your AC. With less electricity in use, there are fewer emissions going out into the atmosphere. A whole-house fan isn’t just an investment in your home and family. It’s also an investment in our overall wellbeing.

Contact Sierra Pacific Home & Comfort, Inc. today to schedule your whole-house fan installation as soon as possible. You can always trust The Guys in the Big Red Trucks.

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