Sounds Your AC Should Never Make

January 9th, 2023

You know what your air conditioner is supposed to sound like when you turn it on. Most of the time, it shouldn’t sound like anything; you hear the noise of it groaning to life, then it’s quiet. All you hear is the sound of air blowing from the vents after the compressor kicks on.

So what happens when abnormal sounds occur, and they don’t stop? It usually points to the need for AC repair in Rancho Cordova, CA. Don’t fret: before you pick up the phone and call for repairs, let’s see if your AC is making any of the following noises and explain what they mean.

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What Repairs Does a Solar Panel System Need?

December 26th, 2022

Your solar panels work in tandem to create a sustainable and energy-efficient way to power your home. So what happens when something in that system fails? What does it look like? If you need solar repair in Rancho Cordova, CA, this is what you can expect to encounter.

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Benefits of Attic Fans for Your HVAC System

December 12th, 2022

During the summer months, your attic can feel like a sauna. You’re not forcing cold air from your AC to your attic (because it would be a waste), but there are also two other points to factor in.

Heat naturally rises, so any heat in your home will rise into the attic. On top of that, the sun’s rays beat down on your roof shingles and heat transfer makes your attic hotter.

So what’s the best way to combat this? The answer is attic fan installation in your Sacramento, CA home. Let’s explain in more detail because an attic fan does a lot more than you’d think.

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How Whole-House Generators Save You Stress

November 28th, 2022
Whole house generator on the side of a home.

Power outages spark stress. We’re so connected to electronics these days that a simple power outage can disrupt more aspects of our lives than we really think about. When you really think about all the ways we’re connected and dependent on electricity, the thought of going without can induce stress.

That’s why whole home generators in Rancho Cordova, CA can keep your life as stress-free as possible. We’re at an odd time in our state’s history regarding energy, but you don’t have to worry about it with the right equipment on-site at your home. Let’s talk about why these generators reduce stress.

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How a New Tankless Water Heater Saves You Money

November 21st, 2022
Tankless water heater system installed on wall.

Everyone likes saving money, and lowering their carbon footprint at the same time never hurts. Tankless water heaters save money, frustration, and expenses that you might not have thought about.

It’s time to learn why tankless water heater installation in Sacramento, CA could save you stress and money moving forward. If you’re about to ditch your old tank water heater for an upgrade, this is what you need to know.

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How to Tell if Your Heat Pump Needs Repair

October 17th, 2022
AC units outside of home with heat pumps.

Nothing feels quite as upsetting as your home comfort being interrupted out of nowhere. If your home heat isn’t quite right and you’re concerned about your heat pump, this quick guide on diagnosing the problem will help. Let’s find out if your heat pump is okay, or if you need to call for heat pump repair Sacramento, CA residents trust.

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What’s a Whole-House Fan and Would One Benefit You?

October 3rd, 2022

solar-panels-on-red-roofWhen dealing with the throes of summer, there’s only so much you can do to keep your house cool: keep your air conditioner well maintained, close up your blinds to keep the sun out once it reaches a certain point, and turn on your solar attic fan. Wait, what’s that? You don’t have an attic fan?

Think about this scenario: during the hottest weeks of summer, the sun beats down on your roof for hours. The AC system has to work even harder to keep your home cool, with the compressor running for longer and longer. This means the AC can eventually struggle, which causes the system to wear down faster than it otherwise would. Fortunately, a solar attic fan professionally installed by our team is a great solution.

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End-of-Season AC Repairs To Be Aware Of

September 19th, 2022

As summer draws to a close, most people aren’t thinking about their air conditioner. However, this is a perfect time. Take care of any maintenance and repairs now so your system is ready to go for next year. 

But how do you know if you need AC repairs or not? Here are 5 signs of AC troubles you should watch for!

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3 Methods to Take Advantage of Solar Energy

September 12th, 2022

solar-energy-electricitySolar energy is the way of the future, and each successive generation of equipment and technology improves upon the one that came before it. Today’s solar panels do more with far less than other models did, and if you think solar panels may be a good fit for your home, now is the time to act on having them installed. With fall just around the corner, right now makes an excellent time to discuss installation options.

Indeed, solar energy has such a wide array of applications that there is more than one way to take advantage of the technology. You may think that solar energy is limited to providing electrical power to your home, and it does that quite well. Solar makes an excellent solution for homes that sit off the electrical grid: maintaining your independence and ensuring that you always have the electricity you need. But it goes beyond that. The more you understand the different ways to take advantage of solar energy, the more you’ll see of the potential. We’ve listed three of the most popular methods below.

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AC Efficiency Boosting Tips

August 22nd, 2022

Everyone who lives in Sacramento during the summer wants to have a reliable air conditioning system. Whether it’s a traditional central air conditioner, heat pump, or a ductless system, it’s going to need to keep you cool on even the hottest of days. The question is, is your air conditioner working as efficiently as possible? An effective air conditioner can’t really be called effective if it’s not.

Maybe you’ve noticed that your monthly utility bills are higher than you might like. Well, we have some tips for you that can lower your energy bills, by making your air conditioner more efficient. Read on to learn some best practices that you can put in place right away to boost that efficiency.

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