End-of-Season AC Repairs To Be Aware Of

September 19th, 2022

As summer draws to a close, most people aren’t thinking about their air conditioner. However, this is a perfect time. Take care of any maintenance and repairs now so your system is ready to go for next year. 

But how do you know if you need AC repairs or not? Here are 5 signs of AC troubles you should watch for!

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3 Methods to Take Advantage of Solar Energy

September 12th, 2022

solar-energy-electricitySolar energy is the way of the future, and each successive generation of equipment and technology improves upon the one that came before it. Today’s solar panels do more with far less than other models did, and if you think solar panels may be a good fit for your home, now is the time to act on having them installed. With fall just around the corner, right now makes an excellent time to discuss installation options.

Indeed, solar energy has such a wide array of applications that there is more than one way to take advantage of the technology. You may think that solar energy is limited to providing electrical power to your home, and it does that quite well. Solar makes an excellent solution for homes that sit off the electrical grid: maintaining your independence and ensuring that you always have the electricity you need. But it goes beyond that. The more you understand the different ways to take advantage of solar energy, the more you’ll see of the potential. We’ve listed three of the most popular methods below.

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AC Efficiency Boosting Tips

August 22nd, 2022

Everyone who lives in Sacramento during the summer wants to have a reliable air conditioning system. Whether it’s a traditional central air conditioner, heat pump, or a ductless system, it’s going to need to keep you cool on even the hottest of days. The question is, is your air conditioner working as efficiently as possible? An effective air conditioner can’t really be called effective if it’s not.

Maybe you’ve noticed that your monthly utility bills are higher than you might like. Well, we have some tips for you that can lower your energy bills, by making your air conditioner more efficient. Read on to learn some best practices that you can put in place right away to boost that efficiency.

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Should You Invest in a Pool Heater?

August 8th, 2022

Being in a nice, refreshing pool is one of the best ways to relax and have fun during the summer, right? Whether you’re swimming, just dipping your feet in, or floating in a tube “lazy river” style, a swimming pool is one of the best luxuries you can invest in for your home.

However, as nice as it is to cool off during a hot day, you still don’t want to take an ice-bath, right? it can be uncomfortable to swim in water that’s too cold, and for this reason, many folks just avoid swimming when temperatures are cooler. Since it takes a long time around here for daytime temperatures to warm the pool back up, a pool heater comes in handy!

Read on as we uncover some of the benefits of a professionally installed and serviced pool heater.

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How to Size a New Air Conditioner

July 25th, 2022

air-conditioning-replacementSo you’ve decided to install a new air conditioner. Congratulations! Of course, that probably means you’re in a bit of a rush to find something new. But we really have to discourage you from rushing into this decision. There are just too many factors to consider.

Among the first things you need to determine is the power levels of your new AC. Indeed, it’s possibly the most important aspect of any new air conditioner.

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Join Us for the Lennox “Feel the Love” Event!

July 11th, 2022

Sierra Pacific Home & Comfort, Inc. is participating again in the annual Lennox “Feel the Love” event, a program that provides free Lennox heating equipment to local, deserving families.

This event enables our organization to serve families in need right here in our local community. We’re thrilled to offer this industry-leading program to help provide Northern California neighbors with new heating equipment that will keep their homes comfy for the years to come.

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The Benefits of Generators and Solar Batteries

July 11th, 2022

In our previous blog post, we talked about how a whole-house generator can protect your home during fire season, when power outages are quite common. In fact, according to the US Energy Administration, in 2020 the United States experienced a record number of power outages per customer. The electrical grid in your neighborhood is probably degrading, so while we think it’s vital to have a generator during fire season, it’s actually important to have a whole-house Generac generator for any time of the year.

Nobody knows when the next power outage will occur, how often we’ll have them, or how it will affect your specific home and needs. Don’t wait and suffer through a power outage! Read on to learn more about Generac whole-house generators and backup batteries.

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How a Generator Protects Your Home During Fire Season

June 27th, 2022

If you’ve lived in the area for a couple of years, then you’re pretty well aware that Northern California is prone to fires during the summer. When people think of fire protection, they often think of having an evacuation plan if the fire is close to their home, or keeping lush landscaping in their yards so it’s not even more susceptible to catching fire from an ember.

What homeowners don’t often think about is when their home isn’t in direct danger, but their comfort still very could well be. A common occurrence that goes along with fire season is power outages—power outages that mean you have to go without your HVAC system, refrigerator, and more.

Fortunately, you don’t have to worry too much about this if you have a whole-home generator in place. Read on to learn more about these systems and how they help protect your home and comfort.

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Is Your AC in Need of Repair?

June 13th, 2022

Air conditioning repair is one of those services you never want to wait to address. Sure, it’s tempting to. If your system is still operating and you weren’t prepared to budget for repairs, why bother, right?

Unfortunately, ignoring repair needs means risking your cooling system completely breaking down when you need it the most, right in the middle of summer. As such, we encourage you to take care of the system as soon as you discover something is amiss.

But how do you know when this is the case? After all, you aren’t an AC professional—that’s our job! However, it is possible, and even important, to know the basics so that you know when to give us a call. Read on for some of the top signs that your air conditioner does, in fact, need professional repairs.

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What to Know About Sizing Your New Air Conditioner

May 16th, 2022

Spring is progressing right along, and summer is just around the corner. If you haven’t already done so, now is the time to make sure that your air conditioner is prepped and ready to handle the heat. Of course, you might be one of those homeowners who actually need an air conditioner replacement. If this is the case, you want to ensure that your new cooling system is properly matched to your home.

We understand that the first instinct when it comes to a purchase like this is to buy the biggest, most powerful system on the market within your budget. This can be a mistake! Fortunately, we’re here to guide you in the right direction when it comes to your air conditioner purchase and installation. It’s important to remember that bigger doesn’t always mean better. The size and power of your air conditioner does matter, just maybe not the way you think.

Keep reading as we uncover what goes on with undersized and underpowered air conditioners, as well as oversized and overpowered systems … and give us a call to help with your installation.

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