Increase Your Home Enjoyment with Solar Pool Heating!

December 13th, 2021

Our friends and family in the Midwest and Northeast would probably give us a pretty bewildered look if we said we were planning a pool party for the New Year. But the truth is, it could be possible to make this happen in Sacramento. While we do get some pretty chilly winter temperatures, we have also been known to get some pretty warm heat waves in the winter.

That, in combination with the right kind of pool heater, can give you, plus your family and friends, a truly unique way to celebrate winter. So we’re going to talk about something we specialize in today: solar pool heaters! Read on to learn about these systems and how one can help you increase your home enjoyment this season and beyond.

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What Happens During Your Heater Tune-Up?

November 15th, 2021

When you invest in an important service for your heating system, it shouldn’t be a mystery what those professionals are doing to your heater. Now, we don’t recommend that you attempt heating maintenance on your own. There’s a reason we recommend only professionals serve your heating system: we have the experience, extensive training, and qualifications to know how to service your heater effectively and safely.

But we want you to feel comfortable investing in something like annual maintenance for your heater. Read on as we uncover what exactly happens during your tune-up, and if you haven’t had a heater tune-up yet this fall, please give us a call!

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Is Something Amiss with Your Heater?

November 1st, 2021

As the weather slowly but surely cools off, we’ll all be using our heating systems more and more. This should increase your comfort, of course, but what if you discover that you’re not as comfortable as you used to be when you use your heater? What if you’re using it the same way you did last year, but you’re still chilly or uncomfortable?

Well, then you have a right to be concerned. It sounds like something is wrong with the operation of your heating system, but what could it be? Read on as we uncover some indicators that something is wrong with your heater, what may be the cause, and what to do about it.

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Signs You Need Professional Heater Repair

October 18th, 2021

No homeowner should ever have to sit around wondering if their heater is going to break down at any moment. If you’ve had your heater regularly maintained each year, you won’t need to worry about this. However, it’s still important to know the signs of a heater in disrepair in case something crops up between maintenance sessions.

Oh wait, you don’t know the signs? That’s all right, that’s what we’re here for.

First off, again, we want to stress the importance of maintenance in preventing repair needs. In fact, timely annual maintenance can help you fend off about 85% of the repair needs your heater may ever need in its 10-15 year lifespan. This is even more vital for gas-powered heating systems. These units aren’t inherently dangerous but have unique problems that can come up if not properly cared for.

Without further ado, we share with you below some of the signs you can watch out for that indicate your heater is in disrepair.

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Yes, Your Tankless Water Heater Needs Maintenance … Here’s Why!

October 4th, 2021

You purchased a tankless water heater for its efficiency. It helps lower your heating bills because it only heats the water at the time it is needed. On-demand hot water means no one has to experience the outrage of a cold shower because three other family members showered before you. 

On-demand heating means a tankless water heater does not work as hard as a large tank heater. They have a longer lifespan. They are a lower maintenance option. This does not mean tankless water heaters are maintenance-free.

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Common End-of-Season AC Repair Needs

September 20th, 2021

With temperatures still soaring, it can be hard to accept that this is the “end of the season.” Nevertheless, here we are, with the official start of fall this week. The weather won’t change overnight, of course. However, it’s still important that you’re prepared for when temperatures do take a turn. 

Yes, this means ensuring you schedule heating maintenance before you need your heater. But it also means checking up on your air conditioner. After all, it went through a lot of work this year! If it has any repair needs now, it’s best to address them right away so you can set it up for success next spring. 

We aren’t advocating for self-diagnosis and especially not DIY repairs—this can do more harm than good. But what you can do at this time is check for signs that you need repairs, and give us a call once you notice them. Here are the most common.

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Is It Too Early for Heating System Maintenance?

September 6th, 2021

With temperatures in the 90s, you may wonder why on earth we’d be talking about heating maintenance already. But the truth is, the next couple months are the perfect time to have heating maintenance done, before you actually need the system the most.

Professional HVAC maintenance enables our technicians to thoroughly inspect your heating system. This is vital for many reasons. First off, we’re able to check for potential safety issues in addition to anything that may be causing performance and/or efficiency problems. We also clean the system extensively, and check for any symptoms of small repair needs from natural wear and tear before they grow into bigger emergencies.

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How to Make Your Solar Air Conditioning Even More Efficient

August 23rd, 2021

If you have solar panels in place, then you’ve already taken a huge step toward more efficient air conditioning and more efficient energy use in general. But if you’re like most Sacramento area homeowners, you’re always looking for ways to save even more money, and we don’t blame you!

Energy costs have soared in recent years, bringing more and more of our customers to discover the power of going solar. It’s also led customers to seek out other ways to use their homes more efficiently. Since air conditioning and heating systems use up about half of all of your home’s energy, you may think you need to cease using them to save more money, but this isn’t the case!

In fact, there are some simple steps you can take today to make your solar air conditioning use even more efficient. Read on to learn what they are.

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Why Ice on Your AC Should Concern You

August 9th, 2021

For many homeowners, seeing ice developing on an air conditioner may seem like a totally natural part of the cooling process. After all, your air conditioner is tasked with chilling the air, right? So seeing a little frost should be totally okay.

Well, no, not quite! Ironically, ice development on your air conditioner, particularly on the coils, actually prevents the air conditioner’s coils from being able to do their job, which is to absorb the heat from your home and put it through a refrigerant process.

Read on as we uncover what it means when you see ice forming on your air conditioner, and what you should do about it.

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Signs That Your Air Conditioner Is Struggling

July 26th, 2021

If there’s any home service you don’t want to put off, it’s air conditioning repair. This is because if you delay managing a small repair need, it can turn into a much bigger, and more urgent, repair need.

We understand your desire to wait. If your air conditioner is still running, just maybe not as well as you think it should be, you probably don’t want to shell out any extra summer vacation money on fixing it. But waiting could mean a complete air conditioner breakdown or shelling out even more money to replace your AC prematurely.

We’re not trying to be dramatic, only to highlight the importance of prompt AC repairs. But how do you know when you need those repairs? Well, we’ve shared some signs for you to watch out for below!

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