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Go Solar With the Pros

With our dramatic shifts in weather over the past few weeks in California, it’s only fair that we’d like to talk about a more environmentally friendly energy system. Between the raging fires, record-setting temperatures, and climate systems that seem to be completely out of whack, we’re learning to adapt our energy and comfort systems to help keep us happy without the use of old fuel sources.

We’re going to be blatantly honest—solar energy in Sacramento, CA is one of the best ways to head into the middle of the 21st century prepared for whatever energy crises might occur.

Luckily, our team has been around for more than three decades here. We’ve become the local “solar experts” and we’re going to go into detail about why a solar energy system could be the perfect system for you, and why our team should be the one to set it up.

Solar Energy Is Better Energy

Solar energy systems have become more and more popular in homes throughout California, and it’s not hard to see why. We have long, extended periods of time where the sun shines overhead, and that equates to energy you could be harnessing for all the appliances in your home. It’s a renewable source of energy, meaning it doesn’t run out, doesn’t require much maintenance, and can reduce your energy bills over an extended period of time.

Think about these perks compared to a system that’s dependant on any other type of energy. Depending on markets, your energy bills could go up or down. You have far less control over the energy you consume and your 21st-century lifestyle is really up to the nearest powerplant’s ability to function. That doesn’t sound terribly reliable, renewable, or efficient to us.

We also provide solar pool heaters and solar attic fans for homeowners who are looking for a different kind of upgrade. Start your journey of harnessing the sun’s energy by investing in these systems!

Why Choose Us

This is why you’re really here, isn’t it? There are other solar energy contractors in Sacramento after all. Why go to our team for your solar work?

For starters, we’re locally owned and operated, located right in Rancho Cordova, California. Many companies are small subsidiaries of larger companies, which means the people you work with don’t really get a say in how things are priced, worked on, or in the field of customer service. Since we’re local, we’re up to suggestions and are always ready to change our business to better suit our customers.

Secondly, we were founded in 1984. We have over three decades of experience working in the energy sector. That means all our trained technicians are experts in energy consumption, efficiency, and the overall ability to save you money. While some technicians in the area might technically be qualified to provide you with solar energy support, we’re uniquely qualified and will ultimately provide you with a better outcome.

We’re local, we’re experts, and we’re reliable. Don’t trust a huge job like this to someone who’s not prepared for it.

Do yourself a favor and call The Guys in the Big Red Trucks. Sierra Pacific Home & Comfort, Inc. are there for you.

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