More and more homeowners are discovering the eco-friendly power of solar panels that help them enjoy comfort at as low of a cost as possible. When a new homeowner decides to have solar panels installed, however, they might think their only option is to have them installed on the roof. This is a good choice in many cases, but it can be more difficult for some households to truly enjoy all the solar benefits if those rooftop-mounted solar panels aren’t angled correctly.
What if we told you there is another option? That’s right—you could opt for ground-mounted solar panels. These aren’t the right choice for all homes, but they’re the best choice for many homes. Keep reading to learn more.
The Restrictions of Rooftop Panels
As we mentioned above, rooftop panels aren’t the right choice for every home. If your roof isn’t at a great angle, doesn’t face south to get the right amount of direct sunlight, or if the solar panels are blocked by something like skylights or a chimney, you’ll have less effective solar energy use.
There’s also the size of your roof to consider. It might not actually be big enough for a solar energy system that is able to meet the electrical demands of your living space. After all, electrical demands have grown in recent years.
Ground-Mounted Panels Can Be the Better Option
Ground-mounted solar panel systems can be placed on any open land, and therefore are very easy for our professional solar technicians to install. They don’t require drilling into a roof, plus the components used to secure a standard ground-mounted system are lightweight and easy to work with.
Ground-mounted panels can be set at literally any angle, and can be faced the exact direction that they need to be to get the most energy from the sun. Your rooftop actually restricts this, while a grown-mounted system can help you generate more electricity because of its setup.
It’s worth noting, it is usually a bit more expensive to use ground mounted systems versus roof mounted. This is due to the additional labor and permitting involved to properly install them. But once you have the proper permit, ground-mounted systems can be located wherever conditions are best for their use.
The Different Types of Ground-Mounted Solar Panels
There are actually two main types of ground-mounted solar panel systems. There is the standard ground mounts, or the pole-mounted system.
The benefit of pole-mounted systems is that they’re able to support multiple solar panels on a single pole, and elevate them higher off of the ground than the standard setup can. They’re also really beneficial if you have limited ground space in your yard due to landscaping or limited square footage.
Please don’t hesitate to reach out to our team with any solar panel system questions you may have. We’re happy to help you out and help you make an educated decision.
To get in touch with a professional Sacramento solar company, contact Sierra Pacific Home & Comfort, Inc.