Sierra Pacific Home & Comfort, Inc. Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Air Conditioning’

Get AC Maintenance Before Winter Hits

Monday, September 11th, 2023

It’s easy to simply forget about your air conditioner until you need it when summer hits, but it’s never a good idea. Your air conditioner needs proper maintenance so that when you start it up again, it doesn’t run into any problems. You’ll have a smooth, easy summer with your AC if you take care of it at the end of every season.

Our air conditioning service plan in Sacramento, CA makes it easy to stay on track with maintenance. Let’s talk about why it’s so important for you to keep up that maintenance even when it’s easy to forget about it.

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How to Size a New Air Conditioner

Monday, July 25th, 2022

air-conditioning-replacementSo you’ve decided to install a new air conditioner. Congratulations! Of course, that probably means you’re in a bit of a rush to find something new. But we really have to discourage you from rushing into this decision. There are just too many factors to consider.

Among the first things you need to determine is the power levels of your new AC. Indeed, it’s possibly the most important aspect of any new air conditioner.

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Why Ice on Your AC Should Concern You

Monday, August 9th, 2021

For many homeowners, seeing ice developing on an air conditioner may seem like a totally natural part of the cooling process. After all, your air conditioner is tasked with chilling the air, right? So seeing a little frost should be totally okay.

Well, no, not quite! Ironically, ice development on your air conditioner, particularly on the coils, actually prevents the air conditioner’s coils from being able to do their job, which is to absorb the heat from your home and put it through a refrigerant process.

Read on as we uncover what it means when you see ice forming on your air conditioner, and what you should do about it.

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How This Installation Can Help AC Efficiency

Tuesday, September 8th, 2020

attic-roof-ventWith the official start of fall just around the corner, homeowners like yourself are probably looking forward to shutting off air conditioners for the season. After all, with all the use our cooling systems get, our utility bills can get quite high. So it makes sense that you want to stop using your system soon.

Still though, we have plenty of warmer temperatures ahead–warm enough to warrant continued use of your air conditioner. So how can you use yours most efficiently, to keep from paying exorbitant energy bills? Well, one way is with the installation of a solar attic fan! This is a large fan installed in the attic that is efficiently powered by the sun. And that’s just the beginning! Read on to learn more.

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It’s Time for AC Maintenance

Monday, March 23rd, 2020

outdoor-ac-unit-with-tools-on-topIt may be a while before we see the California sunshine we know and love, but if you’ve lived in the Sacramento area for even just a year, you know that when summer does come, it’s not very forgiving—and you need to ensure that your cooling system is prepared.

One of the most important things you can do to make sure this is the case is to schedule preventive maintenance for the system. Routine professional AC maintenance ensures that your equipment is ready for the added stress of summer.

Skipping or even delaying maintenance will make it much more likely you’ll be facing problems by the end of the cooling season, or even before! Read on as we uncover the importance of this service.

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5 Great Ways to Boost Your AC Efficiency This Summer

Monday, June 17th, 2019

man-changing-out-air-filter-to-boost-ac-efficiencyFact #1: Summer is hot.

Fact #2: Running your air conditioner costs a lot. The truth is, your HVAC system can account for as much as 50% of all the electrical energy use in your home. You want to find ways to use it less expensively and more efficiently. The good news is, there’s a few ways you can do this!

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3 Ways to Upgrade Your HVAC System

Wednesday, July 4th, 2018

couple-relaxing-on-couchSo you’re the proud owner of an HVAC system. What comes next?

Efficiency and performance.

It’s not enough to just own an HVAC system. The next step is strategizing to get the most out of your system with the least amount of dollars. Sometimes, an HVAC upgrade can be the best investment in pushing your HVAC system’s performance that extra mile.

In this post, we’ll go over three ways to strengthen your HVAC system.

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What to Look for in an HVAC Contractor: Part 2

Monday, May 7th, 2018

air-conditioning-replacementHVAC contractors can be a lifesaver during the heat of summer, when temperatures soar and you need your air conditioner to function reliably for days on end in some cases. A quality repair service needs to do the job swiftly and effectively, as well as providing timely maintenance services and even full-bore replacement if you need it.

Every home is different, and your HVAC system likely has unique needs that require specific services to address. What works for your home may not work for another, and so too does your HVAC contractor need to do the job for you specifically. That said, there are several basic traits that you should look for in any quality service. If you spot them, chances are you’re looking at someone who can address your HVAC needs the right way.

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What to Look for in an HVAC Contractor: Part 1

Tuesday, May 1st, 2018

air-conditioning-replacementAn HVAC contractor performs one of the most important jobs for a new building: installing the heating and air conditioning system. Every building needs one–a comfortable atmosphere protected from the variation in temperature outside is as much a necessity as the plumbing or electricity. But the question of what to look for in an HVAC contractor can be more difficult.

In the end, only you can determine which contracting service will work best for you. But there certain factors you should look for when making that decision. They can ensure that the service you contact will do the job the right way and ensure your HVAC system is set up in exactly the manner you require.

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HVAC Contractors Can Install Upgrades to Your System

Monday, April 9th, 2018

air-conditioning-replacementAnother long hot summer is on its way, and your air conditioner is going to be called upon to perform day in and day out. That can put a huge strain on the system. As well as costing you an arm and a leg in high bills, our summer heat can lead to a an AC breakdown or similar problem, in some cases leaving your home without cool air in the middle of triple-digit temperatures.

Anything you can do to reduce the stress and strain on your system can be an immense help, lowering bills and reducing the risk of a midsummer’s breakdown. And now is the perfect time to consider your options on that front: when the weather is still relatively cool and you have the time to install an upgrade or similar features to your system.

When you do, you want to make sure you use a qualified HVAC contractor in Sacramento, CA with experience performing installations of all kinds to heating and air conditioning systems. For insight on when to upgrade, read about how to tell if it’s time for an HVAC upgrade. A skilled contractor can guide you through your options and install upgrades with care and precision. That means they can advise you on all your possible options, as well as performing the upgrade with confidence and care.

What kinds of upgrades are available? Here’s a brief list to give you some idea.

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