Ductless air conditioning gets a lot of praise, and for good reason–it’s being chosen over central air conditioning systems by homeowners all across California. When you read about the benefits of a specific type of HVAC system, they’re usually something about the long-term savings–something you can’t enjoy right now. Instead, we want to show you how you can immediately benefit from going ductless. If you’re considering ductless air conditioning in Sacramento, CA, this is what you need to know.
Sierra Pacific Home & Comfort, Inc. Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Ductless Mini Split’
3 Immediate Benefits of Choosing a Ductless Air Conditioning System
Monday, October 2nd, 2023Ductless or Not Ductless, That Is the Question
Monday, September 24th, 2018In the world of air conditioning, there are two major categories of air conditioners:
Those with a duct system, and those without.
The ducts are the series of tunnels and vents that blow air into your home. Some systems have them, and some don’t.
When it comes to installing a new HVAC system, it’s not really about choosing which one you like more, or which one has the best features. More than anything, it’s all about which system is going to work well for your home. This could vary for a number of reasons, like if you already have some kind of heating or cooling system. It’s a lot to cover, so read on to learn all about them.
Which Type of Cooling Is Right for You?
Monday, July 30th, 2018If you’re reading this post, you may have just learned that there are different types of air conditioning available to you. And we aren’t just referring to different brands. Depending on your needs and the configuration of your current heating or cooling systems (if any), there are different options available for you. We’ll go over three cooling methods that can benefit anyone thinking of replacing or installing a new system.
Ductless Air Conditioning Repairs Benefit from the Right Service
Monday, April 2nd, 2018Ductless air conditioners make an outstanding solution for homes that can’t support the ducts required for traditional centralized air conditioning. Instead of using one single unit to cool your home, they utilize multiple units, placed evenly throughout the household and each charged with cooling a single room or section of your house.
That involves a lot of good things for your home: comprehensive air conditioning without relying on ducts, as well as the ability to control the temperature in different sections independently of each other (and turn off the cool air in some parts of the home while still running it in others). If you’re considering the switch to ductless, check out 3 immediate benefits of choosing a ductless air conditioning system for a deeper understanding of its advantages. But repair issues do occur with ductless systems, just as they do with any other electronic device, and when they do, you should make sure you contact someone with a specialty in ductless air conditioning service. Why? Read on for the answers.
What Do Ductless HVAC Systems Do for You?
Monday, October 9th, 2017If you’re in the market for a new HVAC system, fall is the ideal time to plan and prepare for it. Autumn in central California is usually quite mild, which means you’ll have plenty of time to decide which system you want and plan the installation before you’ll have need of it. And while most of us are accustomed to centralized heating and air conditioning systems, they’re not the only type out there. If your home can’t support a traditional centralized system—or it can, but you just don’t feel it’s right for your needs—there are other options available.