Sierra Pacific Home & Comfort, Inc. Blog: Posts Tagged ‘heater repair’

3 Signs Your Heater Is Struggling

Monday, October 19th, 2020

furnace-burnersThe weather in Sacramento this time of the year can be all over the place, with “unseasonably” warm weeks and chillier temperatures at night. That said, it’s important that we be prepared for whatever Mother Nature has to bring our way. The best way to do that is by staying on top of our HVAC service needs—namely maintenance and repairs.

Of course, scheduling your heating maintenance now (if you haven’t already) will reduce the likelihood that you’ll need repairs this fall or winter. During maintenance, our technicians thoroughly inspect, clean, and adjust your heating system all while checking for small repair needs before they become much bigger. To ensure your system’s longevity and avoid performance issues, consider these three tips for improving heating efficiency

Of course, even with diligent care, there’s always a chance that something can go wrong. So, it’s important that you know the signs that something is amiss. Read on as we uncover three of those signs!

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What to Do If Your Heater Has Become Inefficient

Monday, January 28th, 2019

money-see-sawWe encourage all owners of heating systems to keep a close eye on their heating bill. By monitoring your monthly spending, you’ll be able to prevent costly repair issues and monitor your usage habits. Most of all, you’ll be able to spot an upward trend that indicates the system is becoming gradually less efficient.

If you’re noticing that your system is becoming inefficient, here’s what you can do to get to the root of the issue.

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Some Common Reasons for Heating Issues

Monday, October 22nd, 2018

cold-man-inspects-thermostatNovember is the month when we can finally expect to see some cooler weather here in California (it is just a forecast, but we have hope). And when that time does come, you can expect to be recruiting your heater for full-time work.

But that begs the question: is your heater ready? If you’re already running your heater at night, then now’s the perfect time to start paying attention to its behavior. It’s also the perfect time to get a maintenance check if you haven’t already. But if you notice any of the following signs, then you’ll want to call in for repairs sooner than later.

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