We may have just talked about air conditioners in our last post, but that doesn’t mean you should ignore your heater in these final weeks of winter. Sure, we are definitely not experiencing the severe winter conditions that other parts of the country have in recent days. But no matter how long or how frequently you need your heater, you need it to be in good shape when it operates! So, what kind of shape is yours in?
If you don’t know the answer to this question, then this blog post is definitely for you. Hopefully, you had professional maintenance done this past fall. That will ensure that your system works as efficiently and effectively as it’s meant to. Even if you did not, however, it’s not too late! Scheduling maintenance now will allow our technicians to check for the repair needs we’re about to mention.
If you aren’t sure of how to tell if your heater needs repair as we near the end of the season, read on! We’ve uncovered some of the top indicators.