Sierra Pacific Home & Comfort, Inc. Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Sacramento’

Refrigerant Leaks Mean You Need Air Conditioning Repair

Monday, March 12th, 2018

air-conditioning-replacementIt’s officially still winter, but even now, temperatures are starting to climb. Soon enough, you’ll have need of your air conditioner on a daily basis, and if yours features any sign of trouble, now is the time to get it dealt with. It will save you time, and often a fair amount of money too.

Among the most common problems with air conditioning systems is a refrigerant leak, which robs the system of one of its most vital components. Refrigerant is potentially very dangerous and requires a professional service technician to deal with, but if you spot the signs of low refrigerant, you can call for repairs and potentially save yourself a lot of grief.

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Schedule AC Maintenance Today

Tuesday, March 6th, 2018

air-conditioning-maintenanceSpring will be here in just a few short weeks, and warm weather can arrive even sooner than that in some cases. You might not be using your air conditioner often right now, but that will change soon, and before you know it, you’ll be running your system on a daily basis. That makes now the perfect time to schedule regular maintenance and get your system looked at: before it needs to keep your home cool in the face of our stifling summer heat.

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Have You Considered a 2-Stage Cooling System?

Monday, February 26th, 2018

2-stage-coolingMost of us aren’t thinking about our air conditioners right now. Winters in Central California can be surprisingly chilly and heating is the name of the game when it comes to home comfort. But summer will be here before you know it, and when it arrives, you’re going to need a reliable air conditioner to see you through it. If your existing air conditioner is on its last legs, now is the ideal time to consider a replacement, and with a new air conditioner comes a host of new options for you to consider.

Among them is the possibility of a 2-stage cooling system, which allows you to alter the speed of the fan blowing conditioned air into the home. The system makes a lot of sense with temperatures like ours, which can be all over the map. It could end up saving you a great deal of money.

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Signs of Trouble with Your Water Heater

Monday, February 12th, 2018

water-heater-flushWater heaters are an essential part of modern life: providing safe, reliable source of hot water for cooking, cleaning, and bathing. Most homes in the area use traditional tank water heaters: those tall cylinders full of water, heated from burners below and ready to distribute to the various faucets and outlets of the home.

Water heaters do their jobs quietly and without fuss, and most of the time they’re kept in out-of-the-way parts of the home like the basement or garage. They’re effective and cost-efficient, which means most of us trust them to work while while we focus on more pressing matters. Unfortunately, that also means problems with them can develop just as quietly, and most homeowners are unaware of trouble with their water heater until the damage has become quite extensive.

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How Solar Pool Heaters Improve Your Swimming Pool

Tuesday, February 6th, 2018

solar-pool-heaterMany homes in the area enjoy the benefits of a swimming pool: allowing owners to throw summer parties, have fun with their families, or enjoy a private swim at the beginning or end of their day. But swimming pools usually require heaters to ensure that the water temperature is warm enough for people to enjoy. In those cases, we strongly recommend installing solar pool heaters to improve your swimming pool’s use. A trained expert can easily set up a system for your home, and the benefits such systems provide can be considerable. They include the following:

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The Benefits of Solar Electricity

Monday, January 29th, 2018

Much has been made of the advances in solar electric power during the last few years. This type of technology tends to move forward rapidly in just a short amount of time. Here in sunny California, homeowners have a number of incentives to install solar panels on their property. The benefits are considerable and should never be underestimated. If you’re thinking about using solar power to run your system, now is the time to act. Some of the benefits of such a system can include to following:

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Solar Panels Are Easier to Install Than Ever

Monday, January 15th, 2018

Solar panels have been moving forward in leaps and bound over the last few years as the technology becomes less expensive and more effective. California is one of the best places in the world to take advantage of those advances. We get copious sunshine all year, and homeowners interested in saving money on their electric bill would do extremely well to install them. The benefits are immense and there’s never been a better time to follow up on your options.

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Help Your Heating System Perform Efficiently

Tuesday, January 9th, 2018

heating-cost-savingsWinter has finally arrived, and while we’re not dealing with cold weather the way the East Coast has, we get our share of cool days and chilly nights. You’ll need to run your heating system more often almost by default in the wintertime, and that means you’ll be paying more on your monthly heating bills than you would during other points of the year. But just because you’re paying more doesn’t mean you should pay more than necessary. You can help your heating system perform more effectively, and cut into those costs in the bargain. Here are a few tips on the best ways how.

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3 Factors to Consider When Installing Solar Panels

Monday, January 1st, 2018

solar-panel-installationCalifornia is blessed with sunshine, and with incentives from the state, solar panels are getting easier and more affordable to install. If you’d like to do your part for the environment while cutting your electricity bills down to nothing, there are few better ways to do it than with solar energy. If you’re thinking of adding solar panels to your home, now is an ideal time to do it, and technicians are standing by to help you plan and install your system.

Before you do that, however, you should start thinking about some of the factors that will be involved. The sooner you can get a handle on them, the sooner you can start enjoying the benefits solar energy has to offer. Here are a few things to talk over with your service technician as you start the planning process.

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Signs You Need Heating Repair

Monday, December 18th, 2017

heating-repair-serviceCalifornia winters are never as cold as they are further east, but here in the Central Valley, we get our share of freezing cold nights and early morning frosts. You need a reliable heating system not only to keep your home comfortable, but to prevent potential health issues for those nights when the mercury drops well below tolerable levels. And if your heater needs repair, now is the time to properly take care of it.

That means moving swiftly when signs of trouble arise with your heating system. In many cases, a serious problem displays symptoms weeks or even months in advance, and while you should never try to diagnose (much less repair), a heater without proper training and licensing, you can still spot those signs simply by watching your heater as it runs and looking for anything out of the ordinary. If you’re unsure, check out how to tell if your furnace is working efficiently to identify early performance issues. Chances are that you have already run your system this fall. The next time you turn it on, look for the following common signs that something is wrong.

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