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It’s Time to Schedule a Heater Tune-Up Ahead of Fall

It gets pretty chilly here during the winter season, and you want to make sure that your heater is ready to keep your home warm without any hiccups as temperatures get colder. If you haven’t already scheduled an HVAC tune-up in Elk Grove, CA, this year, go ahead and give our team a call to schedule that service now.

In the meantime, you can keep reading to learn about the benefits of a heating system tune-up, and why you want to prioritize the service instead of putting it off. Future ‘you’ will be very happy with the investment you made! 

Reduce Energy Costs

When we tune up your heater, we make minor tweaks to all of the components to optimize how your heating system works. For example, we clean out grime from in between gears and add extra lubrication so they can move together smoothly instead of grinding.

We also identify any unusual wear patterns on components and make adjustments or suggest repairs and replacements inside the system that can boost efficiency. Completing these tasks year after year is the best way to keep your heater optimized so that it doesn’t have to use as much energy to warm up your home.

Save on Repairs

Tune-ups are also far less expensive compared to fixing unexpected repairs. The alternative to regular tune-ups is waiting until something goes wrong with your heater and addressing it then. It is almost always more expensive to address a repair than it is to keep up with maintenance on a regular basis.

The reason for this is that a problem can spread damage. In the case of a gas furnace, ignition problems can damage the heat exchanger as well as the igniter itself, and even the gas lines leading into the chamber.

Boost Indoor Air Quality

A well-maintained heater is also a clean heater. Part of our maintenance steps include wiping down the inside of your heater to eliminate dirt buildup. Regular cleaning helps to reduce the amount of dust particles that re-circulate through your home again and again. 

Even when you keep up with vacuuming and dusting your home, dust inevitably ends up inside your heater. If it builds up for too long, it exacerbates the problem and you are left with poor indoor air quality. Aside from keeping up with heater tune-ups, you should also change out the air filter regularly.

Extend the Lifespan

Unfortunately, by the time a heater problem is obvious, it is already far enough along that it is significant. A problem may leave lasting damage inside of your heater that impacts how it operates for the rest of its lifespan. 

Extending your heaters lifespan even just a few years saves you a lot of money by not having to make an upgrade sooner. Of course, as your heater gets past the 15-year mark, you do want to consider an upgrade since older heaters are generally less efficient than the more modern heaters we are installing today.

Contact Sierra Pacific Home & Comfort, Inc. today to schedule your heater services. You can always trust The Guys in the Big Red Trucks.

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